Canadian federal laws require real, vigorous competition among retailers. This requirement assures fair prices for consumers, and specifically prohibits price fixing. These laws also prohibit misleading publicity and other commercial practices that would lure consumers into insufficiently informed transactions. Read more about class actions lead by our team in this field:
Pending Class Actions
Class Action Regarding Price Fixing Practices in the Ebooks Industry (Livrels/ Ebooks)
This class action alleges that ebooks publishers Hachette, Harper Collins, MacMillen, Penguin and Simon & Schuster (the Respondent Publishers) conspired with Apple to fix ebooks prices in Canada since Apple’s Ipad launch in April 2010.
Completed Class Actions
Sorbic Acid (pricing)
Sorbic acid manufacturers conspired to set the prices for this product in order to increase the cost to consumers.
Lysine manufacturers conspired to set the price of this product in order to increase the cost to consumers.
Multinationals that manufactured vitamins sold on the Canadian market. The vitamins were sold as supplements or added to different foods and
consumer products. Between 1990 and 1999, multinationals have conspired to illegally set the prices of vitamins in Canada and share the market.